幼稚园(Kindergarten) | 小学(Primary) | 中学(Secondary) |
注: | ||
1. | 「适用书目表」和「电子教科书适用书目表」内的课本及学习材料是按课程发展议会编订的各科课程文件而编写,其内容、学与教、组织编排、语文、编印设计(印刷课本适用)、电子学习的教学法,以及技术及功能要求(电子课本适用)等方面,均已通过教育局课本评审小组的评审。 | |
2. | 「适用书目表」和「电子教科书适用书目表」内所列课本之出版年份,乃获课本评审小组通过后首次出版之年份。学校如有疑问,请与教育局课本委员会秘书处联络。 | |
3. | 如印刷课本书名旁注有「重印兼订正」。这类课本修改的地方不多,并非新版课本,学生可沿用旧书。教师应对使用旧书的学生提供协助,把出版社以附页或勘误表形式为学生提供的修订。 | |
4. | 课本委员会将适时更新「适用书目表」和「电子教科书适用书目表」。 |
Remarks: | ||
1. | Textbooks and learning materials on the Recommended Textbook List (RTL) and Recommended e-Textbook List (eRTL) are written in accordance with the curriculum documents of all subjects prepared by the Curriculum Development Council. The content, learning and teaching, structure and organisation, language, textbook layout (applicable to printed textbooks), e-learning pedagogy and technical and functional requirements (applicable to e-textbooks) of these textbooks have undergone the review of the EDB’s textbook review panels. | |
2. | The year of publication on the RTL and eRTL is the year when the textbook is first published after it has passed the vetting by the Textbook Review Panel. Schools requiring further clarification may contact the Textbook Committee Secretariat of the Education Bureau. | |
3. | Those printed textbooks marked with "Reprint with minor amendments" are not new editions considering the small amount of amendments made. Students are not required to purchase the "Reprint with minor amendments" versions since the old textbooks can still be used. Teachers should assist students by providing the revised information from the publishers in the form of supplementary sheet or corrigenda to students using the old editions of textbooks. | |
4. | This RTL and eRTL will be updated as appropriate. |